Family Support
Is the family in conflict half the time - are you walking on eggshells?
Are you concerned about your child’s behaviour and not sure how to manage it?
Is your family being affected by addictions?
Has there been loss, separation, divorce or bereavement?
Are you concerned about mental health or emotional wellbeing?​
Are you affected by lies, bullying, anger or abuse?
Is your family affected by disability, neurodiversity or illness?
Who’s in charge and is the responsibility shared fairly?
Are finding it difficult to adjust to changing family circumstances?
Is there enough quality time, love and care to go around?

Each family unit has its own personal dynamics and domestic demands. It can be very worrying and difficult to discuss or address concerns with your children or other family members, without feelings of guilt or obligation clouding the situation, often leading to resentment.
freshfocus is a private, confidential and understanding service, offering advice, information, and supportive counselling to parents, grandparents, kin-carers or foster carers, and young adults or adult children. This can be arranged on a one to one basis or as family mediation, or a mix of both.
Common areas of work include:-
Boundaries & setting limits
Effective communication
Freedom & responsibilities
Adjusting to different life stages
Generational dynamics
Power & control
Parenting & team work
Trust, reward & consequences​
Tailor made to your needs and wants, short term and on-going contracts can be arranged, under-pinned with appropriate theoretical approaches.
Payments to be paid at the end of the session by either cash, or bank transfer. Cancellation with less than 24 hours notice and not rearranged within same week may still be charged.​